
Building Your Network as a Marine Spouse

Building Your Network as a Marine Spouse

Many Marine spouses are experts at networking, but often these networks are cultivated around children, deployment support, PCSing, social groups, or religious activities. When you are looking for employment start with the network you already have, continue to cultivate it, and start growing your professional network both in person and online.

Your in-person network includes:

  • Your friends & family
  • Former classmates & coworkers
  • Other Marine spouses from your Marine’s unit
  • Other Marine spouses at your installation that you meet through installation programs
  • Other parents from your child’s school, scout troop, sports team, or other activities
  • Other members at your place of worship, the gym, volunteer organizations, or social clubs
  • Neighbors

Your online network might include:

  • Social media. Sites like Facebook and LinkedIn where you are connected to people who may also be in your in-person network.
  • Spouse groups on social media sites like Facebook.
    • Many installations have one or more closed groups that are not officially affiliated with the installation but can be extremely helpful and informative for Marine spouses. 
    • To find one, search for “[your installation] Spouses Network.”
  • Blue Star Families.
  • The MILSPO Project. This organization strives to empower and educate military spouse entrepreneurs through live leadership events, online educational resources, and local chapter meet-ups.
  • The MilSpouse eMentor Program. This online program allows program participants to receive personalized job search & career guidance, advice, support and inspiration from more experienced spouses, career mentors and veteran-friendly employers.
  • Career Spark. This online program helps spouses network with each other, learn job search best practices, and track job search progress.
  • Marine For Life. Marine For Life offers a networking forum through the Marine For Life Network group page on LinkedIn.  Spouses are welcome to join the group and ask for professional guidance from Marines, employers, recruiters, and other spouses. In addition to the national group, Marine For Life offers regional groups where you can network with people in your area.

Still looking for more in-depth assistance with networking?  Contact your installation’s Family Member Employment Assistance and Transition Readiness staff or ask the Marine For Life Network on LinkedIn.

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